Maker of happy people

Resultado de imagen para stress  memeI think that change the study program of the University is a matter of death and life. I mean, the study program has a big holes in it- Although  it will never be perfect, at least give me more flexibility!-.

I get mad just thinking that they change the program of the last two years (when I enter into to the career) and now they're watching it in another side like nothing happen. Besides, I'm really afraid that they are going to repeat the same mistakes if they change the program again. And that's why I recommend to talk like carrer about this important matter. It can be that we spend so much time in our subjects because others persons put so much academics charges.

Just think about it: Now, in this semester we have tree subject that are difficult from themselves: Reporting, Radio and Audiovisual Language. I spend a lot of time just in those subjects (reading, writing essays, contact with the sources, record videos, assemble those videos, etc). And now we have to collect (like pokemon, but less fun) 16 special credits. On top of that, the audiovisual materials (camaras, tripodes, etc) and the computers with editors programs aren't enough for all of the students.

Resultado de imagen para stress  memeI have a total  of eight subjects. Six of them are required to pass the semester, and the last two are complementary subjects were they give you 2-3 credits depending of the time. In the end of the career you must have those 16 credits or you can't graduate.

Anyways, the fact is that ALL of us are really stressed and we need to change so much academic charge.

More happy people and less stress people here, please. 


  1. I hate that fact that we have to complete some credits with complementary subjects. I haven't took any yet and Im afraid of that :(

  2. I think the same, this study programme is so bad, the electives are unnecessary. I am just waiting the summer.

  3. I don´t know about the credits and all of that. but I suposse that one the I would to know it. sounds like it´s important.

  4. We need more equipments because there aren't for everyone and it's so sad when don't have the tools to work :c


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